It has been more than a week since the last installation of the saga runs in cinemas now.
I still haven�t seen the movie: Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of The Sith.
And it's gonna be soon, I hope, to have the chance to see it.
When the first installation of the 6-part saga was in the cinemas a long, long time ago, I was a little baby. It was in 1977 that the movie 'Star Wars - A New Hope' had its first screening. It was Episode IV. Then, it was followed by Episodes V and VI.
Anyway, I was never caught by the Star Wars fever back then during my childhood.
It was only when the Special Edition went out in 1997 to mark the 20th anniversary that it caught my attention (not a die-hard fan, though). This, is due to a few factors.
It was released as Special Edition Trilogy, with enhanced visual effects, digital surround sound, and timeless epic of good vs evil.
Also, I was in Manchester at that time, and starting to build my own home theater separates system.
I remember Imam (Akmal Hisham) and I had a Trilogy marathon at our place on Coleby Avenue - we borrowed Fab�s Trilogy VHS.
A few years later, Episode I released in the theaters. It was confusing to me at first because prequels are unheard of. George Lucas has my utmost respect because of his vision. He waited 2 decades for the technology to be available to carry out his story as he intended it to be. This was partly achieved during the special editions. It is then followed by the next three prequels. The idea itself is amazing.
What made me attracted to Star Wars is that it is timeless. Back in 1977 George made SW IV with spacey ideas that could match those in 2000 era. The millennium falcon is a classic.
Okay, the tie fighters are not so futuristic, but the rebel fighters' spacecrafts are good. Plus, the novel idea of having an R2 unit on board, instead of having all the computers on the spacecraft itself. This is quite like having a mobile computer (eg. PDA, notebook) hooked upon a vehicle system. Well, at least the idea was there.
People already knew who Darth Vader, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker actually are, towards the end of the saga. And by Episode II we know how they came about. It is just plain interesting how the characters evolve. This, perhaps is answered by Episode III. No wonder if many people say that III has too much to tell. Anyway, the most interesting of it all may be that it is the last installation of the whole saga. Being the third episode of six, it is interesting.
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
1 week ago