i went to pusat penyerahan mel pos malaysia pasir gudang at sri alam counter saturday morning with Marsya, after sending Naza to school for her meeting. Naza didn't quite have the time to go collect Dawud Wharnsby Ali cds that finally came in the mail (a gift from me, actually), so i took the liberty of collecting them myself (completed surat penyerahan kuasa with forged signature... hehe...).
it's only 8.45am while the counter opens at 9.00. i stayed in the car with Marysa for fifteen minutes and then went inside.9.00am and still the counter is not yet open, so we wait outside.
i showed Marsya the magic of daun semalu. she enjoyed it very much.
i peered in and saw that all the postmen having their morning briefing. and du'a recital.
it struck me that the du'a is very important for all of us before doing any work, particularly in this case, the postmen.
imagine that they have to be honest 100% every working day. or else, there would be mails and parcels kept hidden somewhere.
i approached one of the postmen there (and he seemed delighted), and said to him that it is heartwarming to see that they do have a du'a recital. he replied, it is a rule for pos malaysia postmen to have the morning session (the whole of malaysia). he added 'sekurang²nya hati boleh dididik jadi jujur'. alhamdulillah.
oh, and i have the cds now. good songs.
visit dawud wharnsby ali's site here, and here for details of the cd package that i bought.
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
1 week ago
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