here's a list of names - people who helped me in building my first bike from ground up.
I'd like to thank you all.
In no particular order:
Apis - my brother. Got the stem, seatpost, wheelsets and v-brake bosses for front brake.
Hj. Ali - sold me the frame and headset, with seatpost clamp thrown in for free.
Zulhisham - sold me the crankset with pedals extremely cheap. Also for getting me the v-brakes. i appreciate it very much, bro!
BC Kelolo - wisdom, knowledge, tips and tricks, insight, and v-brake bosses for rear brake. Oh, and the teh tarik.
Ron - thru BBS sold me the FD, RD, shifters, cassette and chain. Delivered to me, some more.
Ah Meng - from Glenmarie. sold me the brakes with lever cheap2 one.
the bike building really started from those.
Pyan - thru BBS sold me the fork.
Auntie - bike shop in Tmn U. Well, I paid for the tires and other bits. Included in the honor roll because she gave me discounts.
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
1 week ago
congratulations bro...
i think it would be best if u could attach photos of ur bike..then i can decide quality of ur works b4 can award u project to built mine hehe
thanks man.
hasn't actually taken shots of the complete bike.
will post a few when photos are available.
another important name to include in my Roll of Honour:
Kevin Han - for getting up the BBS website (
Kudos bro!
You'll never know how grateful we bikers are for the site.
Thanks very much!
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