A few years ago I tried to have my own website, to share things digitally - thoughts, photos (videos are a bit rare back then - slow connection).
Then I discovered blogspot. And so I signed up and started writing.
I used to write long emails to friends, conveying my thoughts in discussions.
I thought, rather than sharing it with a person (or a few people in a group), I'd share it with the world. Hence, 'typed thoughts'.
I have a few photos that I use as my wallpaper on the PC desktop. These too I housed in a dedicated wallpaper blog (Faizi, if you're reading this, my 'Faizi's photos' folder in my PC is still empty).
I kept my hajj journal in a blog. Events and photos.
My family on my mother's side have been updating our big family tree in Geni, and I posted a few news and photos. Regularly visiting the tree.
Yesterday, I discovered My Site in my company's e-portal. It's a personal space for employees, but for internal viewing only.
Today I received a Facebook 'friend request' from Alina.
I signed up Facebook because it's a place where all your friends and their pets are loitering. Furthermore, you can't view other's Facebook pages if you're not a member. Have not updated or posted anything or sending requests or anything. Except for this morning. And it's quite a hassle. Learning the rope is one thing, updating and maintaining it is another big one.
I put links to my blogs in Geni, MySite, Facebook and other virtual meeting places that I signed up so far. What I'm doing now is that I keep on writing in here and my other blogs as and when I have the time.
Friends, families, strangers and their pets can always view them and leave a comment or two.
Oh, and if you feel like sending me personal messages, email me at akmalhamid[at]gmail.com.
Or send me texts. I'll give you my mobile number through email.
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
1 week ago
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