I went to Senawang over the recent Chinese New Year holidays to spend some time with my parents, and celebrate Ayah's birthday too. Ayah proudly showed me his completed Masjidil Haram cross-stitch work. and, he asked me about the progress of my xs piece.
It has been a very, very long time since I started my ambitious xs mega project - Summer Meadow. It was supposed to be finished by the time we move to Seri Alam, and hung on one of
the walls as a memento.
Since June 2007, now it is already more than one and a half year! Still a work-in-progress.
Been busying myself with my other hobby-turned-obsession, and this one hobby been neglected to a lower tier. Albeit, recently I did spend a little time on weekends over in Senawang. Make that 4 hours over the last 2 months
No latest photo of my progress, but here's one.
I can pretty much say that it is quite close to what it is right now (read: little progress).
As for the memento, well, there'll always be other occasions in the future that can suit the finish date of this project. Hopefully not for my retirement.
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
1 week ago
alamak lapt! biar betul ko wat cross-stitch.... takpelah, kalu siap nanti, bagi jer present kat aku. hehe....
betul la tuu...
tak percaya kaa?
ni kalu siap, jadik masterpiece aku for sure insyaAllah.
open for viewing on one of my house walls. jemput la datang rumah.
Walla, im impressed to read that you share the same hobby with ur dad. That's cewl.
My hobby keep on changing till i myself got confused on what they are, but one thing for sure, melalak dlm bilik air still go on, hahahaa....
actually the thing that we love to do without us being aware of IS our hobby.
shower karaoke? one name: Ramlah Ram.
you bring back the memories in block A shower room, bro.
You do XS - cool. Your DAD also do XS - super cool man! Ini memang very rare type of people. Aku tak pernah nampak orang tua lelaki buat XS. Infact, dah jarang sgt org buat XS ni, sebab semua nak kejar masa, beli yg dah siap je. I still can't believe you guys do XS...
mana best beli yang dah siap.
i still remember when i was in std 4 my parents' XS project - settee headrest sheets with coffee table spread. i'm still amazed with how they could do 7 identical pieces for the headrest. am not keen in repetitive tasks.
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