Okay, I asked for the t-shirt. For free.
The thing that makes it special is what printed on the t-shirt.
I'm a bit of a collector, and so it's nice to have a collection of Australian slangs in one piece of cloth.
Here's the list:
- wally
- gone walkabout
- chock a wobly
- stone the crows
- no worries
- bloody oath
- stunned mullet
- crikey!
- hows that!
- sheilla
- you beauty
- bonza!!
- down under
- fair crack of the whip
- turn it up
- mug lair
- too right
- amberfluid
- footy
- flatout like a lizard drinkin
- strewth!!
- onya
- yobbo
- she'll be right
- g'day mate!
- fair dinkum
- spot on
- tinnie
- flamin heck
Totally no idea what the rest means.
Go and figure them out:
google 'aussie slang' or 'strine' and you'll get quite a handful of hits.
Thanks for the t-shirt, Lin!
Where'll you be going after this?
*updated 21 Feb 2014. thanks to Robbie and Michelle for informing me the correct link above :)
1 comment:
You actually listed down all the words!!! Very un"sangka"rable of you.
This Sheilla wishes to go to Italy next. Perhaps the real deal Ferrari will be nice. Not!
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