Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude to Allah swt for His unending blessings bestowed upon us.
About 12 hours ago, at 11:26 am our latest addition to the family has arrived.
Our dear Umar was born via cesarean section, weighing 2.1 kg at Puteri Specialist Hospital, Johor Bahru.
He appeared to be in a surprisingly healthy and normal state, despite being brought in earlier than scheduled. Well, we plan but Allah's plan is greater. Naza is now recovering and resting in the hospital.
I'm a bit tired now, but my heart is filled with happiness. And so I found myself typing out these words for the world to know.
We had pictures of Umar taken by the hospital personnel (thanks very much!), right from his entry to this world, out from the comfort of his mommy's womb. Will be uploaded soon, insyaAllah.
Please welcome, Umar Bin Akmal Hizam.
Let us pray that he grows to be a good Muslim. Ameen.
Protected: The Crimson Tide and the Abyss
1 week ago
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